Tuesday 7 March 2017

Multiple FREE Vacancies in SNC Lavalin - Kentz, Saudi Arabia

Project : Industrial Building project

Position : 


1. New Business
a. While on construction sites and in the development of relationship with clients, work towards continuing to source ongoing work for the company.
2. Planning of Projects
a. The Construction Manager should call a preparatory meeting before construction on site begins. This should normally be held on site where it is practical to do so.
b. The preparatory meeting will be attended by the Project for the project and by the area supervisor who will have responsibility for the project. Where a project has designated Project Engineer he will also attend. The Construction Manager may have others attend if he feels it is important to the successful undertaking of the project.
c. The meeting will agree a detailed program covering all aspects of the progression of the project; this will include a detailed timetable for project completion.
d. Allocates Project Engineers to specific tasks
3. Project under Construction
a. Discuss and assess problems encountered by the staff on site. Assess need for additional and input of labour, supervision and equipment during the course of construction.
b. Ensure that methods of work are up to date, efficient and in accordance with company and client safety policies and Health and Safety requirements.
c. Ensure that developments on site that under the terms of the contract document requires special evaluation and assessment are correctly identified and appropriate action taken.
4. Monitoring Performance
a. Ensure construction / installation keeps to budget / plan.
b. Investigate and account for any deviations from budget Manhours.
c. Ensure exporting and control procedures are operated correctly on all site under your control.
5. Organization on Site
a. Ensure construction organization is adequate, that staff at all levels understand their role and responsibilities and that effective delegation takes place.
b. Establish and maintain good relationships with clients.
c. Report to the Project Manager, on all aspects of construction in a detail and at intervals as determined by him.
d. Ensure compliance with the functional authority of the Project Manager.
e. Keep up to date in developments in contracting.
f. Advise the Project Manager as requested or any desirable changes in methods of work or on work practice and control.
g. Set and example of loyalty, enthusiasm and hard work in the performance of all duties.
h. Ensure that work practices and installation meet required quality standards.
i. Ensure that you familiarise yourself with the scope of work, programme and specification of the project.
j. Ensure that you understand the extent of the subcontractors work and be fully conversant on same.
k. Familiarise yourself with the programme, planned hours, ratios material as per B.O.M. and ensure that these parameters are met.
l. Short term programme are to be made in relation to overall programmers and highlight access, hold-ups.
m. Ensure that a daily histogram is maintained on all site happenings.

10 Years experience in a Construction environment petrochemical , oil and Gas
• Good Interaction Skills with Construction teams , Clients , Business unit managers.
• Written and oral communication skills.

Email id: pinki.sharma@snclavalin.com

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