Block Chain Developer

Technology skills needed as a developer include. Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio, .NET, MVC, AJAX, SQL, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Python, Node.js, jQuery, SOAP, REST, FTP, HTML, XML, XSLT, XCOD, Neural-networks, Regression, Agile Scrum, MYSQL

5+ years experience

Tower Crane Operator 

Experience in tower operation Must know to Clean, lubricate, and maintain mechanisms as cables, pulleys, and grappling devices, making repairs Determine load weights and check against lifting capacities prevent overload Proof of Tower Crane Operator

5+ years experience

False Ceiling Technician / Gypsum Carpenter Technician

Able to Read blueprints, drawings and sketches and technical requirements.

Excellent understanding of carpentry techniques and methods of installation and construction

5+ years experience

Building Electrician

Execute plans of electrical wiring for well- functioning lighting, intercom, other electrical systems Install safety distribution component e.g. switches, resistors, circuit-breaker panels etc. Connect wiring in electrical circuits and networks component

5+ years experience

Neelam Kaur

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