Tuesday 18 December 2012

Marketing & Sales Manager (Kazakhstan)

Qualification requirements 
·         Higher economic and/or technical education.
·         Knowledge on price formation, marketing and planning.
·         Good knowledge of accounting, principles of maintaining financial documentation and preparing contracts.
·         Not less 5 years of work experience in production and trade companies.
·         At least 3 years of experience in personnel management.
·         Excellent presentation skills
·         Able to work with JDE, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), MS Outlook, WEB master, CorelDraw, Power Point.

Key Job Responsibilities:   
·         Ensure the constant sales of the products thus keeping the production lines producing to up to 30 thousand valves a year.
·         Develop the prices strategy. Develop market for the plant.
·         Participate in the development and approving of the general budget.
·         Develop complete Marketing Management Block of the plant using the JDE system.
·         Ensure coordinated cooperation between the Production, Logistics and Marketing groups. 
·         Cooperate with the managers of the plant and with the appropriate State authorities in implementing and accepting International Standards for the product manufactured at the plant.
·         Organize the development of the general marketing strategy, analyses the market condition, the activities of the competitors in the market of Kazakhstan and neighborhood countries in order to make management decisions.
·         Implement, coordinate and approve necessary changes in the marketing, prices and production strategies based upon the feedback of conducted analysis.
·         Ensure constant control and quarterly analysis of the market and prices.
·         Prepare and approve the annual marketing plan.
·         Build long-term mutually beneficial partnership with customers.
·         Develop and implement specialized reports in the JDE system in order to ensure the efficiency of the analysis of the market, sales, purchasing, production and the stock.
·         Organize and control the communication strategy of the Plant in Kazakhstan, CIS  (TV, printings, billboards, exhibitions) in order to give more information about the product to the target audience.
·         Control the activities of the contractors providing advertising services.
·         Provide advertising support to the plant: prepares Plant’s representing souvenirs, brochures, exhibitions materials, and other advertising materials.
·         Responsible for development of the plant’s internet site.
·         Develop and implement effective online sales.
·         Arrange and conduct works on attracting corporate clients, operators of the regional and strategic significance.
·         Develop strategic sales target, conduct negotiations and search for distributors in CIS countries. 
·         Plan and develop activities aimed at expanding the market, by conducting target presentations.
·         Develop and implement the concept of development of the distributors’ network in Kazakhstan, thus ensuring the replacement of the old valves plant produced valves.
·         Responsible for Republic and local Exhibitions.
·         Manage the work of the personnel of the Marketing and Sales Department.
If you have an appropriate experience, please send your CV for our consideration to HRAtyrau2012@rambler.ru

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